Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Organizational Skills

My mother has always told me that I have a weird knack for organizing. Since I was little I was told I was different because I was the only child that loved to clean her room. I would dust every piece of furniture and put every toy in its exact spot facing the right way daily. I have always kept my own things neat and organized as well as my friends and family’s if they let me. Although I was banned from cleaning a few of my friends houses because if I didn’t like the spot they had something in I would move it to where I think it should go and they said it was hard to find everything after... weird!

As I grew up my so called talent became a little bit of a problem since I was in high school. Group project became “tell Alana you’re facts and she will do it all because it will be better that way” projects and school events were “easier when Alana did everything herself so just show up” events. Fortunately for me, in the work force organization skills is a plus!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Movie Fanatic

As anyone who knows me knows, I am a huge movie fanatic. I could watch movies all day, every day for the rest of my life and I would be the happiest person alive. People always ask me why and my answer is that I get to live in the life of someone else for an hour or two with no cares in my mind as I relax.

I believe every guy should watch romance movies whether he wants to or not as a learning strategy. At the end of a romantic movie every woman leaves the theatre wanting a man to act the way the leading man did, sweep her off her feet and tell her she is beautiful in a variety of different, long, thought-out speeches.

Or there is the action movie where James Bond or Indiana Jones saves the day, drives the gorgeous car or protects his country. This type of man makes a girl feel like a woman and that she doesn’t have a care in her mind because he has everything under control.

And lastly the comedy, if you can keep her smiling and happy you can keep her heart.

With almost every movie there is a happily ever after at the end and what could be more sought after than a perfect ending?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Weekend routine

My weekend usually consists of zero down time and 100 % busy. Now I’m not complaining because I live a happy and stable life but sometimes I would love to spend my whole day loving and cuddle with my... bed. Although I enjoy snow shoeing, shopping, baking, going on dinner dates with friends and cleaning sometimes the best part of my day is when I get nothing done.

When I was growing up my sister and I would always make fun of my parent’s when they said they were too tired to go out with their friends, now that we are older and they are getting close to retirement and end of mortgage payments they are the ones making fun of us. I’ve heard that when you grow up you will be very similar to your parents, I didn’t think it would be so soon and that I would inherit their lack of social life as well!